The Admin Department is essential for pre-event coordination, ensuring smooth collaboration across sub-departments like Communication, Dream Grants, Ticketing & Memberships, finance, and Placement. The tasks in this department are mainly pre event, which means joining this department makes the burn start early! 🎶🚀


Placement shapes the event layout, ensuring harmony for theme camps, art, cabins, and content. From review processes to creating placement maps, Placement are the architects of your seamless and unforgettable LYS experience! 🌈✨

  • Set up of placement process, forms, guidelines, allocating & comms. Modify review process (if necessary)

  • Create the placement map (or give information to graphics)

  • Check in & Check out Cabins and Herøya general, on site placement support; questions, necessities, mitigation and de-escalation.

  • Recruitment and onboarding of check in/check out crew.

  • Cabin rules, check in and check out procedures

  • In collaboration with build/strike & fire safety, create the areas for camping and the fire safe kitchen zones. This means identifying camping necessities, regulating areas etc. Placement & build should collaborate on a plan for practical and possibly decorative approaches to the camping areas.

  • Forms, follow up of applicants

  • Gather practical information from all departments and set up a “placed content guide”


Communication masters information flow for LYS, managing newsletters, website updates, and pre-event education. From overseeing Slack and WWWG to crafting Survival Guide content, they ensure a connected and informed LYS community. 📧✨

  • Send out announcement and informative newsletters. Collect info from leads to ensure information given to all participants.

  • Checking, replying & dristributing to leads, informing regarding FAQ to said leads

  • Update texts and information on website. Look at developments for the website to make it even more functional. Examples: member pages, shift schedules etc

  • Overview of necessary pre-event education and distribute to all participants and leads. (Principles, volunteering ++

  • Gather input for the whatwherewhen guide and ensure creation/distribution.

  • Create, encourage and monitor the Facebook event

  • Create, encourage and monitor the Slack or similar communication channel

  • Get the necessary information and updates from leads to update the survival guide. Ensure distribution to all participants.

  • Banner, wristband design, visual content & design for website, template for forms, posters etc, WWWG design.

  • Organise and host community, fun and informative meetings, hangouts and so on before event.


Ticketing & Memberships handles applications, transfers, sales platform set up and monitoring, and ensure smooth event access. They also take on post-event feedback and managing participant lists and connections across teams. 🌐🎉

  • Set up suggestion for ticketing tiers in collaboration with finance

  • Set up and maintain membership purchase platform, get necessary updates for textwork from leads. Updating the information given on Checkin before and after purchase as we go, i.e. information from newsletters can be added to purchase confirmation.

  • Discuss with leads if "embedded" role signup should be in the membership purchase, if so - which

  • Set deadlines for membership purchase, low income applications and transfers

  • Posts regarding memberships, general comms (email/SoMe)

  • Creating form, handling application reviews and overview. Comms regarding low income. Follow up and distributing of purchase links for approved applicants

  • Continuous monitoring and updating of membership lists by request from leads, Help connect leads and volunteers

  • Comms regarding transfers, doing the transfers in Checkin and confirming to seller & buyer. Ensuring the buyer gets access or is sent all previously distributed information.

  • Order wristbands, get design from graphics or make

  • Create form, distribute and get information regarding early access requests. In coordination with placement and build.

  • Create an after-event questionnaire, distribute and conclude at debrief


Dream Grants set up the dream platform, guide dreamers, and announce dreams across platforms. They manage the dream committee, review guidelines, and ensure timely reviews. On-site, theyengage with dreamers, and possibly showcase funded dreams in a Dream-Walk. 🚀✨

  • Set up platform, guidelines, monitor invites and access, help dreamers with platform questions

  • Review past and set this years guidelines, i.e. maximum funding requests, non funded items etc

  • Announce and inform regarding Dreams on various Platforms; SoMe, Slack, Website, Newsletters

  • Recruit the dream-committee - ensuring a diverse group, onboard and educate about dreams and guidelines

  • Create or modify current review system (if necessary), ensure review is done within deadlines and dreamers are informed

  • Check on all dreams on site and talk to dreamers about their project, the dream process

  • Set up a Dream-Walk open for all to see what was funded by all participants

From negotiating contracts to coordinating with authorities and managing media, they ensure seamless LYS operations. Safeguarding event legality, maintaining community relations, and playing a pivotal role in every phase of LYS. 🏞️🚔🎙️


  • Come to agreement with location regarding the contract, price etc. Ensure contract is signed.

  • Notify municipality about event, apply for sound, write the official statement

  • Notify police about the event (if necessary)

  • Create a plan for possible visitation or contact from authorities during event

  • Onboard site leads regarding possible and actual authority visitation, tasks and communication.

  • "Nabovarsel" written and sent out (/dropped off) to all necessary neighbours

  • Set up a protocol for media contact during event. Distribute this information to those who need it, such as site leads, rangers, gate

  • Handle on site/event time media contact

  • Respond to pre and post event media requests


Crafting budgets, setting prices, and coordinating transactions, Finance ensures the financial harmony of LYS events. With clear communication, they share the financial pulse with leads, guaranteeing a seamless flow for the event's collective journey. 🌐💡

  • Create general budget for event, get budget requests from leads/tasks

  • Based on event budget, set dreams budget

  • Based on event budget, set membership price

  • Assist Ticketing/Membership set up suggestion for ticketing tiers

  • Collecting all receipts, comms regarding expenses and reimbursements. Creating forms for reimbursement

  • Continuous comms with leads regarding financial status and needs

Handling lead recruitment, meeting logistics, and communication, Project Management at LYS oversees essential processes. They manage the G-drive structure, facilitate the debrief process, and contribute to the set-up and take-down of HQ. 🚀📊


  • Create and distribute sign-up form for leads/tasks, review, comms. Several other roles/task will take over their own recruitment

  • Hosting, agenda, reminders and minutes (/action tracker)

  • Overseeing g-drive for best structure, limiting access to GDPR sensitive info

  • Create debrief form for leads, host debrief meeting and make summary

  • Set up/take down of HQ (together with sanitation, rangers/site leads and all other roles)